ChemE Jeopardy

ChemE Jeopardy Competition

Jeopardy Game utilizing questions from Chemical Engineering Undergrad Coursework.  ChemE Jeopardy Games are held at the Regional Conference level in the Spring.  The Championship teams from each of the 9 Regional Conferences go on to compete at the Annual Student Conference in the Fall to determine the Champion school for the year.

Competition Rules

  • Please follow the link here to the AIChE Webpage for more information

ChemE Jeopardy Competition

        • Saturday, April 9th 3:30 PM- 4:30 PM
          • Participants arrived at the competition 5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time to get prepared for the event
          • All competitions occured simultaneously with round 1 being (3:30 PM- 4:00 PM), round 2 being from (4:30 PM – 5:00 PM)
          • Winners were announced at the awards banquet