Merit Committee

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The Merit Committee maintains much of the data collection in AIChE so that everything we record, from cabinet meetings to volunteer hours to our email list, can be organized and easy to access. This committee is also in charge of key ownership throughout the cabinet so that AIChE leaders can have access to our office and Chem-E-Car Lab in Sweeney Hall.

This year, the merit committee hopes to streamline our online systems by working towards complete automation of our record collection process. Because many of our tasks will be accomplished online this year, our goal is to make our online systems as user friendly as possible. We hope to accomplish this goal through a variety of technologically innovative efforts, so if you enjoy working with computers, this is the committee for you!

The Merit Secretary Committee is in charge of numerous tasks and is always open to welcoming individuals to a variety of positions where they can thrive. Contact our Merit Secretary if you are interested in joining the committee.

If you are interested, please contact ( for more information!